Getting chosen

The rating is an important feature of e-commerce. It gives an idea of the service and quality of the products offered by the seller. A good ranking in search results can help you reach potential customers who would not have come to your e-commerce site if you had not had the privilege of being on the first page on Google.

Stand out from other online businesses

In order to be selected among other merchants with the same evaluation score, there are several actions to focus on:

  • The first is to achieve a higher evaluation score than other traders.
  • The second is to gain the attention of potential customers by other means such as advertising or communication.
  • The third is to work on optimising the natural referencing of the site.

A good rating is not always enough to be chosen among other merchants with the same rating. Working on SEO also helps to gain visibility on the search engine.

Increase conversion rate and visit duration to attract more customers

The conversion rate is the percentage of customers who go on to the purchase phase. If the conversion rate is low, it means that the visitors do not go on to purchase. This is a very important indicator for the seller, because he knows whether his site is performing well or not. The visit duration is the indicator that measures the time spent by each visitor on the site. If this visit duration is low, it means that customers are quickly disappointed and leave the site. It should be noted that the longer the visit, the higher the conversion. The bounce rate is also one of the most important statistics for an e-commerce site. It measures the number of visitors who leave the site after visiting a single page, without visiting another. It is an indicator that measures the loyalty of visitors. If the bounce rate is high, it means that visitors are also quickly disappointed and leave the site too soon. So the higher the bounce rate, the lower the visit duration. The lower the bounce rate, the higher the conversion rate.

In order to increase the conversion rate, the seller must take into account a few key points. The conversion rate is higher under the following conditions:

  • The pages contain pictures.
  • The product or service is presented in video.
  • The product is presented in separate categories.
  • A simplified form on the purchase page.

How to increase the number of customer reviews?

For a good online reputation, it should also be noted that customers must have a good experience with the seller to be able to leave a review and give a rating. For this, the seller should take into account all the following points:

  • Order follow-up.
  • The accuracy of the product description.
  • Delivery time.
  • The answer to the questions.
  • Delivery/return advice.
  • The seller’s politeness.
  • Compliance with delivery deadlines.
  • The quality of the service or product.

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