Reassure the prospect

We all have our own habits, our favourite restaurants, our trusted shopkeepers, our family doctor, our plumber, our hairdresser, … but, whether we are in our region or travelling, we are sometimes looking for a new professional or a new place to go out.
In this case, we don’t choose at random: word of mouth, our friends’ testimonials will guide us but also, more and more, the reviews and testimonials left on Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, …

“97% of people consult reviews before choosing their supplier”

If we do this, don’t doubt for a second that your future clients will do the same. Your reputation is your real asset and the best salesman there is.

So how do you keep it good or improve it to reassure your future customers?

1/ Allow disappointed customers to express their dissatisfaction elsewhere than on the Internet

We all have “off” days and sometimes our performance suffers. If you easily offer to communicate to a client what may have disappointed them in your service, and if you treat this remark with professionalism, benevolence and humility, there is a good chance that this disappointed client will feel important, understood and listened to. You will nip in the bud any desire to denigrate them and make them want to give you a second chance.
What’s more, it will allow you to know what you need to improve (whether it’s your offer or the behaviour of your employees) without discovering it in the course of a scathing review on Google.

2/ Facilitating the submission of positive testimonials

Every effort is an excuse to put off and forget. Imagine: your customer is in your shop/restaurant/office and he tells you how happy he is with your service. How do you get him to convert this satisfaction into a testimonial that will last for months or years?
A system that allows them to leave a review on Google or Facebook in just two clicks and a few seconds will boost your reputation like never before.

3/ Valuing and rewarding positive testimonials

Customers know that your reputation is at the heart of your present and future success. They may love you, but they rarely take the time to give positive feedback on review platforms themselves. Sometimes a simple encouragement to do so, free of charge, is enough. Sometimes a small gift or future discount is necessary. But in any case, valuing the sharing of their review is essential. We provide you with a number of tools to remind them how much you rely on them and to encourage them to give you that extra push that costs them just a few seconds of their time but will, over time, bring you growth like no other.
On average, it is estimated that 200 recent positive reviews on Google, with few or no negative reviews doubles sales.

In conclusion :

In your trading area, there are thousands of potential customers who do not know you, who have only heard a few brief words about your reputation. They are curious to test your offer, but at the same time they don’t want to have a bad time or spend their money on a poor service.
We offer you the opportunity to allow your existing customers to convince them for you of your seriousness and the quality of what you offer, while keeping the negative reviews off your Facebook, Google, Tripadvisor page.
94% of people have given up on a purchase after reading a negative review. What do you do? Do we let them go or do we reassure them?

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